Saturday, January 1, 2011

women types

Since I wrote about guy types, I found one on girl types.

The Princess: Daddy gave gave her a credit card and an attitude. Gentlemen start your wallets.

The Rockstar: Tattooed and pierced, she hangs with the bad boys and fights better better than you

Miss Conservative: She wears a chastity belt called morals … good luck finding the keys .

The new age chick: She ’s consulted her crystals, angels, and stars to find out you ’re not not for her .

The Mother: This delightful creature mothers everyone, and in her maternal efforts she is generous, loyal and reliable to all her friends. She can show surprising spunk in protecting those weaker than herself (in the way the mother fox protects her young), and is first on the scene when nurturing is required.

The Sister: We all know the independent feminist who fights for her principles and those of her less-strong sisters. She may have a slightly tomboyish air, have short hair and wear very little make-up – or, if glamorous, she will still have that fresh, healthy, girl-next-door quality. Full of life, she is daring, challenging and great fun. She is clever and capable of reaching the top of whatever path she cares to follow.

Favourite Aunt: Although she is introverted and prefers her solitude, everyone is drawn to her warmth and inner strength. As a child I loved visiting my neighbour, a typical Favourite Aunt. Her house was so pretty; there were homemade biscuits for afternoon tea, beautiful flowers in the garden, and she would set aside whatever she was doing to devote her time totally to my visit. She is most often an idealist, not ambitious, and may be recognised by her off-beat attire. She lacks emotion but is highly responsive
The Flirt: This woman does not have to be beautiful (although quite often she is) to attract the best-looking man in the room. She has a sensual magnetism that can mesmerise the most introverted man; defuse the highly tempestuous fellow and bewitch the outrageous playboy. She seems positively to sparkle in the company of men, but charms women just as effortlessly. The world is her stage on which she plays the leading role. She is gifted with an artistic flair and in a career which allows her creative talents a free rein – is highly successful.

The Wife: Flourishes with a man on her arm; she believes that she is nothing without a man. She chooses well; he has to be worthy of her adoration. She is totally devoted to her man, to the exclusion of her friends and children. From an early age she planned her wedding, dedicating her life to her career of marriage. Her pleasures are vicarious.

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